Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hair Cut and Hair Loss

Melody and I have lost some of our loss was by choice and her loss was by fate. I think she now looks like her Grandpa Hanks (my dad), with the few lone strands on top and a lot on the sides and in the back. She is taking this loss very well, none-the-less, and still smiles everyday. What a great attitude!


Janelle said...

Very cute, both of you!! I really like your haircut. And that happened to Gage, too, in a bath unfortunately, merely by wiping his head with a wash cloth. Weird, huh?

Elasha said...

Hi Steph! I love the haircut? (is it all grown out now?) and Melody is adorable. I can't wait to meet her. I'm sure her hair will come back in full force with all her good hair genes. I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one who blogs sporadically!

The Francis' said...

It was so great running into you guys on Sunday! Melody is still just a adorable as always! We should do something sometime!